Brno is a really special place for us!  Kristy and I met each other in Brno – in fact, we met each other at Maják, when we taught English there together in 2002.  So even though we grew up in the same (large) country, we had to move to Czech Republic to find each other!  Neither of us imagined that more than 15 years later, we would be married and still living in the Czech Republic!  God’s plans are truly amazing!

Many of you know Kristy and me from Maják – maybe from English lessons over the years, from Conversation Club, or times that we have taught English to your children.  We love the opportunities that God has given us, not only to teach English, but to get to know many of you personally at Maják.  We are so thankful for this!

Every few years, we need to go back to the USA for a few months for training and to share about what’s happening at Maják with our supporters there.  And now is our time to be in the USA.  We will miss you all during this time away, but we’re also really excited to spend Christmas with our families!

Some of you might already know, but we’re also planning to adopt a baby from the USA!  So, when return, hopefully at the end of summer 2018, we will be a family of 3!

We pray that you would look for Jesus during this Christmas season.  We wish you all a very merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you when we return next year!